Manager Functions

Note that ALL manager functions defined in Modules are subject to checks in the ArrakisStandardManager. Learn more about vault management and configurability here.

Set Price Bounds

This module exposes a function where the manager can change the concentration of the Arrakis vault liquidity position.

    function setPriceBounds(
        uint160 sqrtPriceLowX96_,
        uint160 sqrtPriceHighX96_,
        uint160 expectedSqrtSpotPriceUpperX96_,
        uint160 expectedSqrtSpotPriceLowerX96_
    ) external onlyManager {


This module exposes a function where the manager can swap to rebalance Arrakis vault liquidity against another onchain liquidity source (atomically).

    function swap(
        bool zeroForOne_,
        uint256 expectedMinReturn_,
        uint256 amountIn_,
        address router_,
        uint160 expectedSqrtSpotPriceUpperX96_,
        uint160 expectedSqrtSpotPriceLowerX96_,
        bytes calldata payload_
    ) external onlyManager whenNotPaused {

All modules also implement a setManagerFeePIPS and withdrawManagerBalance functions for handling Arrakis Protocol fee collection.

NOTE: while not executed through the manager role, the Quoter functionality is another offchain process that HOT pools rely on.