Smart Contract Framework (Arrakis Modular)

Arrakis Modular represents the next evolution of the Arrakis onchain liquidity management smart contracts. Arrakis Modular introduces a universal Meta-Vault standard, which standardizes the interface for integration any two-sided liquidity provision protocol. Arrakis Modular is highly flexible, reusable and scalable:

  • Flexibility: Modules adhering to a common interface can be easily developed and attached, supporting a broad range of DEXs and use-cases.
  • Reusability: The Arrakis Vault standard facilitates the reuse of components and maintenance of standard interfaces, streamlining future expansions.
  • Scalability: Adapting to new liquidity pool types becomes straightforward, focusing on module development rather than protocol overhauls.

Dive into the technical details in the developers documentation section at Arrakis Modular.